Tuesday 8 October 2013

Rose wallpapers Hd Tumblr For Walls for Mobile Phone widescreen for desktop full size download 2013

Source Link:.www.google.com.pk

Roses for the longest time have enjoyed the honor of being the most popular flowers in the world. The reason for popularity of the rose flower may be its wide variety in terms of color, size, fragrance and other attributes.
In addition to beauty and passion, red roses also symbolize courage. The red rose is also a symbol of power, as represented in the War of the Roses. Red roses seek to congratulate a job well done, and to express respect and appreciation. 
The red rose celebrates the creative spirit of love.
A red rosebud also has its own meaning. Youthful love, innocent and fresh is what the bud stands for. The attractive and unopened rosebud celebrates unpretentious and honest beauty. Purity and loveliness are what the red rosebud stands for.
Red roses also have a different kind of meaning within marriage. Red roses express domestic bliss that is at once passionate as well as abiding. A love that is growing in strength, away from monotony and still fresh is what the red rose portrays.
Just as there are many shades of love, so also the red rose has many shades. And the meaning of each shade varies. Poets have immortalized red roses as the flower of romantic, passionate love. But innocence, courage, heroism are some of the various meanings of the red rose.
Our red feather roses are so gorgeous and unique that they are ideal for almost any special occasion. For example, red feather rose buds bring your loved ones surprise along with warmth; half blooming red feather roses are perfect gifts for mom; half blooming and blooming red feather roses are great for weddings/anniversaries, birthday/baby gifts, hospital visits and a lot of more. They can also be given to your coworkers as signs of appreciation or "Job Well Done".

The rose has been a symbol of love, beauty, even war and politics from way back in time. The variety, color and even number of Roses carry symbolic meanings. The Rose is most popularly known as the flower of love, particularly Red Rose.
Roses have been the most popular choice of flowers for the purpose of gifting across the world. They also act as a great addition to home and office decor. A bunch of roses or even a single rose works wonders aesthetically and considerably enlivens a place. Besides fresh cut roses, artificial flowers like silk roses in different colors are also widely used as decoration.
Some Interesting Facts About Roses
The birthplace of the cultivated Rose was probably Northern Persia, on the Caspian, or Faristan on the Gulf of Persia.
Historically, the oldest Rose fossils have been found in Colorado, dating back to more than 35 million years ago.
Roses were considered the most sacred flowers in ancient Egypt and were used as offerings for the Goddess Isis. Roses have also been found in Egyptian tombs, where they were formed into funeral wreaths.
Confucius, 551 BC to 479 BC, reported that the Imperial Chinese library had many books on Roses.
Ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia (in the Tigris-Euphrates River Valley) mentioned Roses in a cuneiform tablet (a system of writing) written in approximately 2860 BC.
The English were already cultivating and hybridizing Roses in the 15th Century when the English War of Roses took place. The winner of the war, Tudor Henry VII, created the Rose of England (Tudor Rose) by crossbreeding other Roses.
While no Black Rose yet exists, there are some of such a deep Red color as to suggest Black.
Roses are universal and grown across the world.
The Netherlands is the world's leading exporter of Roses.
Words or pictures have never fully encompassed the sheer beauty and grandeur of the red rose. The red rose is undeniably the most beautiful among all the roses, full blooded and rich. The incredibly beautiful Cleopatra used the red rose to carpet her bedroom when she received Antony. All roses convey warmth, affection and love in varying degrees. But the red rose, being the queen of roses, is the most popular and beloved of all.
The most obvious and well known meaning of the red rose is deep love and affection. In the 18th century, a special rose language evolved as a means of communication between lovers who were forced by society to keep their feelings a secret. And the red rose came to symbolize true love that would stand the test of time. Staunchly promising affection that is forever riding high is what the red rose means. The red rose denotes a true love that is stronger than thorns and can outlive all obstacles.
Desire is another facet of the red rose. The red rose expresses the throbbing heat of new love, a passionate expression of attraction. Red is the color of consummation, of raging desires and craving passion. The meaning of the red rose then is quite apparent from its color itself. Red rose speaks of love that awaits a passionate expression.
Red roses are the most popular valentine roses, which is why their prices shoot up during February. The red rose, especially, a single red rose simply expresses, "I love you very deeply". Bright red roses are interpreted as the ultimate expression of romantic and abiding love. Their bright red shade expresses these emotions perfectly.

    " I love you more than any word can say ... I love you more than every action I take ... I'll be right here loving you till the end."
Submitted by SpecZ
    " Loving you is like a picture with a thousand words."
Submitted by Stephanie
    " The joy of loving always heals the hurt of loving."
    " Loving you is the hardest thing I've encountered, but I'm happy to be loved by you."
    " Loving you is what I've learned so easily. Trying to forget you is the last thing I could possibly learn, because I'm deeply in love with you."
      " Loving you is not a problem, it's trying to stop."
      " If loving you is a sin, then send me to hell. For life without loving you is my hell, and at least in hell I can go on loving you."
Submitted by Harper
      " Loving you is like having ice cream on a hot day, the day is so much more enjoyable with you in it."
      " Being with you is a gift while loving you is precious."
Barrio Boyzz
      " Loving God changed me. Loving you changed my life."
Submitted by Emily and Tony Davis

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Rose wallpapers Hd Tumblr For Walls for Mobile Phone widescreen for desktop full size download 2013

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Rose wallpapers Hd Tumblr For Walls for Mobile Phone widescreen for desktop full size download 2013

Rose wallpapers Hd Tumblr For Walls for Mobile Phone widescreen for desktop full size download 2013

Rose wallpapers Hd Tumblr For Walls for Mobile Phone widescreen for desktop full size download 2013

Rose wallpapers Hd Tumblr For Walls for Mobile Phone widescreen for desktop full size download 2013

Rose wallpapers Hd Tumblr For Walls for Mobile Phone widescreen for desktop full size download 2013

Rose wallpapers Hd Tumblr For Walls for Mobile Phone widescreen for desktop full size download 2013

Rose wallpapers Hd Tumblr For Walls for Mobile Phone widescreen for desktop full size download 2013

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